A Child Call At Center For Hypnosis - A small story
Hello friends, Here i am going to tell you a story of one of my client about hypnosis and hypnosis related issues. i have got a call some days back, a boy called me on phone i am not sure how much he have about i guess that he may fall in between 13 to 17 years. he called me and asked " is hypnotherapy will help me in increasing my concentration in studies, as i am not able to concentrate in my studies'. that's the question we often get so i told him that on phone its is very difficult to say and commit but in general hypnosis and other relaxation techniques help the client and if they practices them well then they make miracle change in personality and thinking process. he listen and ask " as people say that hypnosis is the process by which any body can know about his past and scratch all the information's which are hidden then it is very difficult... because every one have some hidden truth." i said hypnosis is not a magical thing as generally people think, its is just a process of creating high concentration in mind physiologically we could say that if the supply of blood goes toward brain then brain start to work in rapid manner but with silent mode so this all process would called hypnosis. he had silence then said " sir would i need this therapy" i said there are several factors which are responsible for the concentration like physiological factors, psychological factors, some social and environmental factors and if we talk about hypnosis if the factor related to stress, low mood, mood swing and excess pressure then by hypnotherapy it is easily subsides and eliminate too. this time that boy smile as i heard a small confidence in him he had taken a appointment and in only few session he is now well and making good marks in their studies.

A nice experiences i have from that. Thanks